Calendar 2022 Download / 2022 年のカレンダーPDFダウンロード


This is the calendar for your 2022. Each month is designed in A5 size. You can print this PDF in any A4 size paper and fold it into half so you can hang it or let it stand on your desk.

The PDF data of the calendar is for free to download. If you like, you can donate for the work of this creation.

Each month contains a little bit of seasonal event in Japan. You can also consider that is a preliminary notice of a related workshop on the day. If you are interested in the topic, let us know in advance to request the workshop to be held on your desirable time zone.

I made this calendar with the hope that we can all spend 2022 together, healthy in mind and body, sharing our thoughts and feelings.

I hope that the words of each month will reach you too.

Let's take a breath and live through another year while caring for each other.

You can download the PDF in the link below.








Marika Groen 2022 Calendar Download

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This is the calendar for your 2022. Each month is designed in A5 size. You can print this PDF in any A4 size paper and fold it into half so you can hang it or let it stand on your desk.

The PDF data of the calendar is for free to download. If you like, you can donate for the work of this creation.

Each month contains a little bit of seasonal event in Japan. You can also consider that is a preliminary notice of a related workshop on the day. If you are interested in the topic, let us know in advance to request the workshop to be held on your desirable time zone.

I made this calendar with the hope that we can all spend 2022 together, healthy in mind and body, sharing our thoughts and feelings.

I hope that the words of each month will reach you too.

Let's take a breath and live through another year while caring for each other.

You can download the PDF in the link below.








Marika Groen 2022 Calendar Download

This is the calendar for your 2022. Each month is designed in A5 size. You can print this PDF in any A4 size paper and fold it into half so you can hang it or let it stand on your desk.

The PDF data of the calendar is for free to download. If you like, you can donate for the work of this creation.

Each month contains a little bit of seasonal event in Japan. You can also consider that is a preliminary notice of a related workshop on the day. If you are interested in the topic, let us know in advance to request the workshop to be held on your desirable time zone.

I made this calendar with the hope that we can all spend 2022 together, healthy in mind and body, sharing our thoughts and feelings.

I hope that the words of each month will reach you too.

Let's take a breath and live through another year while caring for each other.

You can download the PDF in the link below.








Marika Groen 2022 Calendar Download

*This is a distribution of the PDF data only. There is NO SHIPPING of this product. Please ignore the “VAT (for a product and shipping)“ on the check-out page. We will pay 9% tax to the Dutch tax office on each contribution.

*寄付をされる際、チェックアウトページにて“VAT (for a product and shipping)“と表示されますが、本製品はPDFデータのダウンロード配布のみで発送はありません。寄付頂いた内の9%税はオランダの税務局に支払われます。